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Lauren Durning

Common Marketing Mistakes To Avoid in 2022

Marketing can be complex for a reason; with multiple facets to focus on, from assessing your goals and your target audience to considering the aspects of your strategy, sometimes finer details get forgotten in the mix. Here are some facets to your marketing strategy you may not realize are being left on the back burner:

Grammar Mistakes

It’s no secret that the internet is forever. Companies like Old Navy, Reebok and Miller Beer have experienced public callouts from those who have noticed their spelling errors and lack of apostrophes on websites, T-shirts and billboards. Small mistakes that are largely broadcasted to the masses can cause your brand to seem less reputable, so always make sure to double- and triple-check your work.

Rarely Updating Your Marketing Strategy

New avenues of marketing have been rapidly developing over the last 20 years. With the evolution of smartphones, social media and more, marketing has more potential platforms than ever. However, many businesses haven’t kept up with the times. Having a website that’s outdated and only desktop-friendly, and little to no social media presence prevents these companies from growing exponentially and maintaining a steady, loyal consumer base.

Ignoring Analytics

When used efficiently, analytics can be the road map to your marketing strategy. Statistics don’t lie, and they should be assessed monthly for your strategy to reach its peak value. Ignoring them altogether, however, can have detrimental effects on your marketing goals.

While it’s important to focus on the core of your strategy, attention still needs to be given to the finer details. The more time and attention you put into all aspects of your strategy, the more your efforts will bear fruit.



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